Join our community

Bubbaville is a thriving community of people engaged in Old Time music in the Portland area. We’d love to have you as part of the community.  Join our email list, sign up to learn more about general volunteering or at Portland Old Time Music Gathering, or find out more about joining our board below.

If you have a specific volunteer question about Portland Old Time Music Gathering, please reach out to

Bubbaville was organized out of the Portland Old Time Music Gathering, a 100% volunteer organized music gathering that since 1999 has brought over 1,500 traditional musicians fans and practitioners together each year for concerts, square dances, workshops and jam sessions that celebrate traditional American string band music.  

View past projects we've funded

Over the last 10 years, Bubbaville has provided funding, promotion and more for dozens of different projects tied to our mission. The organization has brought to the Portland region numerous performers and teachers. We’ve also funded campouts, albums, dances and more.